Our Mission & Philosophy
The mission of Little Stepping Stones is to be a leader in child education, inspiring lifelong learning by providing a quality program that benefits the child, the families, our team, and the community.
Vision Statement
We envision that our children can become future leaders by being active participants in, and shapers of, their world, growing through child-based teacher-facilitated learning.
The Little Stepping Stones Philosophy
Little Stepping Stones strives to provide a quality early childhood education program staffed with carefully chosen team members and filled with love and compassion for children. We believe that children are our most important resource and that their early childhood experiences are crucial in the development of their future. We strive to offer an environment where warmth and friendship are abundant and children’s senses are stimulated. Through our family partnerships, we work together to meet both the needs of our children and their families. Our program is geared toward helping the child develop habits of observation, questioning, and listening while building positive self-esteem. In our view, every child deserves to feel accepted, appreciated, and comfortable in their environment. We treat our students with respect, compassion, and understanding. We aim to raise the self-esteem of our students and empower them to reach their full potential. This philosophy leads to children who are well-rounded and impressive in their academics, behavior, and peer interactions.